Friday, June 29, 2012

Why I'll Vote Obama

Basic rights are just that. They are basic. I don't see why they are debated. To me, the most basic of all rights is equality. It is the right to be treated the same with the treatment being based on your actions and not any inherent trait you can't control.

For the 2012 voting cycle, my biggest issue is equality in all senses of the word. I want there to be no gay hate. I want people to get the same amount of money for the same job. People are just people. They aren't any different than the ones we are the most comfortable with. To me, that gives a truly great country that we were once proud of.

That really only leaves me with one candidate that I would vote for in the presidential candidate. The only person I would really ever consider in this race is Barack Obama. His outspoken view about gay marriage is something that makes me feel safe in the way that nothing else really does.

He has other qualities that make me really happy. I just think that within the republican candidacy there is just no good that comes out of it. I see people backsliding into the past when all we should be doing is looking to the future. The future where equality and diversity is not something that seems strange or weird but seems delightfully normal. I've always thought that it seemed weird that more people don't have a worldview that appreciates diversity, but I need it. It makes life more interesting. The way to encourage that is to make it easier to be different, to be equal.

Blogging Scholarship

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