Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's Been Awhile

It's been more than a week and I'm sorry for that.  I will try to keep a bit better tabs on this thing.  But let's talk about this week and why I've been a bit too busy to entertain you.  The main reason is that I contracted the tiny chickens disease.

For those of you who are not nerdfighters, that means I came down with a cold.  What happened was kind of like this.  Day one: Bad Headaches.  Day Two: Bad headaches and appetite kind of out of wonk. Day Three: Snot and Crap. Day Four: Oh my god, please let me die, because this is just horrible.  So yeah, I have been sick now for about a week and things are finally starting to turn up.  There's no headaches.  Finally, there's starting to be less snot and stuff, but the chickens seem to be evacuating my nasal cavity so that is all good.

The other things are that I like to be extremely loud when I type so on Sunday on the worst of me being sick, we (meaning me, my three younger siblings, and our five dogs) were relegated to the upstairs and had to be super effing quiet because my mother was filming in our downstairs which was more or less a nightmare for me.  So typing was basically, in my room, trying to be as quiet as I possibly could while being sick and kind of just hating life in general.

On monday, I went to go babysit some kids and just didn't think to blog.  Probably wouldn't have been that interesting anyway.

But I have also finished another book to add to the Books I've read collection page, so I'm glad to have done that.  I read Maureen Johnson's "13 Little Blue Envelopes" and it was FANTASTIC.  It was an easy read.  I started it on Monday and finished it today but I really only read in chunks of like one or two hours.   So that was nice.  It was really super quick and something I would recommend to a few people.   Because it was like being on an adventure without having to pay for it.

Oh, I've also written words.  I don't know if I told you last time how many words I was at, but currently I'm at 18K, almost 19K and so it's going along smoothly.  Once I finish it, I will tell you what it's about but the crazy thing about my brain is that I don't like to tell anyone.  I keep the goal inside or else I'll never do it.   And so I thank you guys for your patience, but it's gonna be here I promise.

Video blogging is a thing I should get back to.  I haven't done it in awhile and that's something I want to do again.  I wasn't going to do it while I was sick and there was a couple of other things that were just affecting a lot of stuff.  But I'm back on being on the road to completing things.   Hopefully, you'll see me soon.

DFTBA Darlings,
Nina x

Monday, May 21, 2012

Finished the Book!

For the first time ever, I have FINISHED the book "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West" and I have to say that I liked it.  This would have been a book that had someone told me kind offhandedly about one thing that happens at the very end of the book to a relatively uneventful character that you don't meet until the last fourth of the book, I wouldn't have read it.  Why you ask?  Because that character is a dog and it dies.  Having five dogs of my very own and already having lost one, I'm very big on my pups, but it isn't even because of that.  It's because I have this thing where I can't handle an innocent dying.  Like I just can't handle it.

And I mean this could be construed as I'm a pro-life stance in politics, but no.  Sorry to those you who think I think that. I'm pro-choice.  I would rather you get rid of your child before it experiences any pain or suffering if you are not ready in any way.  But no, the killing of an innocent upsets because they don't know what they did or why they are dying.   They don't know how to come to that conclusion and it's really just something that's emotionally stressful.  Like if [enter serial crime drama here], the killer kills the dog or cat before taking out the human or I see that.  I cannot watch that episode.  Like the worst thing a killer could do to me is hurt my pets and hurt my animals because they are innocent. 

And I mean like I can get behind some pretty gruesome murders when it comes to adults because I can sort of kind of justify that they did something or knew something that changed their life forever and they got to experience most of what life had to offer.  They also knew what the world was like.  They knew the world was a bitch and cold an indifferent.  You could murder a whole bus full of adults and it still wouldn't have the same emotional impact on me than killing one dog or cat or one child.  It just wouldn't.

But yes, other than that small detail which turned into a very long talk, I think it was a good book.  I liked it a lot.  I enjoyed reading.  It was broken up into chunks big enough to be interesting and short enough to be manageable from day to day things.  I mean the pacing could have picked up.  I think that was one of the issues of why I had picked up this book so many times and failed to finish all the way through until today.  The characters also could have had a little more interaction or made me care about them a little more.  I just for most of the character I didn't care if they lived or died which presented kind of a moral dilemna with some characters because you're supposed to care and you're supposed to have these big moments about their death when you don't care enough about it.

But yeah, overall a good book.  I think that I would recommend it to a few people, but definitely not most people.  Just because it takes a while to get into it and for most people that just won't work.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Writing and Design.

With all the craziness of school and a couple of other things, I've neglected my poor little blog and I'm sorry for that.  My dad is leaving tomorrow and I've already had the pangs because I know he's going to leave.   And that kind precognition does not make things easier.   As I've grown up and understood more of the fatality around the world, it gets scarier to let him go without a swell of emotion.   But this isn't entirely about that.   This is about being in a place where I can write again.

I'm writing what could concievably become a book.   I've written about 6K in words and I'm very excited for this.   Because it means I'm writing again.  And it doesn't mean it's great, but I just want to get back into it.  I want to say this first and foremost, my books don't particularly mention race, so they could be given to the mind's eye as whatever color the reader feels comfortable with, but in my mind, I've always seen them as white.  It's not because I don't like other races, it's just that's what I'm most comfortable with.

I feel like if, hypothetically, I were really rich and famous from my books and I were to come out and say that even though my books do not portray skin color as a defining factor of that I might be ostracized because I don't care.   I mean the color of the person on the book doesn't really matter to me so much as the people inside the book.   And I tend to get books that have less of a person on them and more with an abstract design that totally represents some part of the book.  It's not that I don't like books with people on the covers, because that's not true, but it's just something I've been thinking about.

Because I eventually want my books to go into print and I want them to be accessible to all readers, not just the ones who pick it up because they like the person on the front of the book.   That's silly.  I don't like to do it that way.   But I'll be updating you guys on how this is going and hopefully it will become something wonderful.

Let's just say that if I could finish two novels this year, I would be extremely happy.  I would be over the moon.   That would just be so incredible.   I've always wanted to do this.  I've always wanted to be a novelist, but up until recently, I've never found that I could complete them.   Maybe this has started a new chapter in my life and if it has, I'm incredibly excited to see where it leads because this is just as much of a mystery to me as it is to you.   Thanks for being with me.   Thanks for taking the time and knowing I had to relax.  I'll always come back to you guys though.  I always do.