I loved Today. Today was a good day in so many ways.
The biggest being that I got to see my sister. My sister who is in AIT and can't stay over for a weekend likes to hand out with us still and I'm just lucky to have her. She likes to do things with me and it was just glorious. Due to respect to her, I didn't film anything in the day, but it was so cool.
We got lunch, did some shopping, went to get coldstone, did some more shopping and then came back home and ate dinner and watched a bit of TV together. Sounds like a freaking awesome day I know. You wish you were living my life.
But in all seriousness, that was probably one of the first times that I've been out of the house for something that wasn't school related in a long time. and i'm just so stinking glad I got out of the house. it was one of those things, like cleaning, that I had been putting off for a long time and finally did and realized how much easier life would have been if I had done that a whole lot sooner. All reinvorgorated and stuff.
So yeah, that was my day and now after walking around so much my leg hurts and I'm tired but I wouldn't change it for the world. Because it's what I wanted and what Needed. Anyone telling me otherwise is wrong.
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